Hong Kong urged to issue more bonds and dip into reserves to tackle deficit

Hong Kong urged to issue more bonds and dip into reserves to tackle deficit

Hong Kong should tackle the government deficit by issuing more bonds to fund infrastructure investment and use part of its reserves to boost spending, one of the city’s leading business schools has proposed, stressing the shortfall will not be eliminated through economic growth alone. In a paper published on Thursday, the University of Hong Kong’s … Read more

Bonds threw a wrench into SWK turnaround story. The stock may need to go

Bonds threw a wrench into SWK turnaround story. The stock may need to go

Stanley Black & Decker’s turnaround looks less and less promising as the bond market revolts against the Federal Reserve’s interest rate cuts. We’re at a crossroads with the stock. Shares of Stanley Black & Decker continue to underperform despite the Investing Club’s long-held belief that a rebound in the housing market would follow Fed monetary … Read more

why this isn’t good news

why this isn’t good news

Eurobonds are debt instruments issued by a country in a currency different from its own. Eurobonds have risen to prominence in Africa because they have opened a window for governments to diversify their funding sources from traditional concessionary loans offered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and foreign aid, both of which are declining. In … Read more

European bonds may be best investment right now. Here’s why.

European bonds may be best investment right now. Here's why.

Pictet Asset Management Chief Strategist Luca Paolini shares his insights as to whether investors should be leaning heavier into bonds (^TYX, ^TNX, ^FVX) or equities (^DJI, ^IXIC, ^GSPC). “When you look at valuation alone, there is a clear and strong case for bonds now,” Paolini explains, adding “unless you expect something really terrible to happen … Read more